Bits and Pieces

Added two things to the UBlog: A listing of recent posts and an alphabetized list of blogs on the site. Here’s how:

The list of recent entries was a real pain at first, as I was trying to use MTOtherBlogs with little success. It became extraordinarily easy once I found the MTGlobalEntries plug-in:


<$MTBlogName$> <$MTEntryTitle$>

Listing all the blogs should have been easily done by using the <MTBlogs> tag. However, I couldn’t find any way to sort this. Instead, I used Brad Choate’s SQL plug-in:

           - ">

(Note that it is important to keep the whole SQL query on a single line.)

Finally, I set up Choate’s rebuilding script as an hourly cron job to keep the “Recent Entries” reasonably recent. Hope this helps someone…

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