Comments on: Anti-war march this Saturday Things that interest me. Tue, 25 Apr 2006 00:30:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fabio Tue, 25 Apr 2006 00:30:53 +0000 True, but that is like a child incessantly crying and throwing fits all day. Anyone but his parents will eventually tune him out.

Unless Democrats can revert to their pre-1980s strength they will continue to lose. Unfortunately for them, consistency and workable patriotic ideas are still valued.

Also, unless it can be established that the MRC is a mental institution, demonstrators won’t need significant numbers to be noticed by the MSM.

By: admin Mon, 24 Apr 2006 21:52:29 +0000 But they have learned. The recent immigration marches notwithstanding, the only way to drive numbers is by coalition building. The left has always been too easily distracted by internecine battles. By getting large enough numbers, you get into the MSM. The message: Americans are dissatisfied with our leadership.

By: Fabio Mon, 24 Apr 2006 21:44:19 +0000 LOL, when will they learn… Another hodge podge march with no clear goals. Wouldn’t focusing one one particular issue be more effective? I’m surprised GLAAD hasn’t complained about the march not explicitly being for “gay marriage” yet. :)
