And I Blog…

Certainly not the first time a Twitter thread has led to a bumper sticker:

michaelzimmer: Right now: I supposed to be working on a journal article (tenure), but instead I’m writing a blog post (impact).

halavais: ∴ impact ≠ tenure RT @michaelzimmer: I supposed to be working on a journal article (tenure), but instead I’m writing a blog post (impact).

kfitz: @halavais @michaelzimmer Okay, that’s creepy. I literally just proofed the paragraph of the book on the relationship btw tenure and impact.

coffee001: .@halavais @michaelzimmer In some surreal version of the future, people will get tenure for blogging.

halavais: Let me fix that for you: “In some surreal version of the future, people will get tenure.”

coffee001: You have a point. Depends on the country you’re in, though.

snurb_dot_info: @coffee001 @halavais Someone needs to create an ‘I have tenure and I blog’ bumper sticker.

coffee001: @snurb_dot_info @halavais …for that, they need to have tenure and a blog. Not yet a combination that’s common over here.

halavais: Yep: RT @snurb_dot_info: [] Someone needs to create an ‘I have tenure and I blog’ bumper sticker.

dancohen: Fairly sure if I buy this “I have tenure & I blog” t-shirt I’ll get beaten up, but I’m not sure by whom (via @halavais)

thinkingshop: @dancohen @halavais Not good for crowds containing #adjuncts & grad students (the other 70% of the teaching population)

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