Why I’m not reading you

Blogs have been around for a while and you still don’t have an RSS feed? Having experimented with everything from Amphetadesk to PyBlagg to Peerkat — and having abandonned the idea of writing my own aggregator based on one of them — I think I have settled on a solution. I’ve been reading my blogs though Bloglines for the last week or so and really like it. I wanted a server-based solution, and this seems to be working for me. So for those of you on the roll on the left without a feed: I may still be reading you, but certainly not as often. Feed me!

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  1. Posted 8/14/2003 at 12:09 am | Permalink

    Oh, blah, blah, blah… I’m not good enough for your blogroll.

  2. Posted 8/14/2003 at 1:56 pm | Permalink

    You are not only on my blogroll, you are on the super-elite UB Informatics blogroll. It’s just you are not on my aggregator because you don’t provide a feed.

  3. Posted 8/14/2003 at 2:52 pm | Permalink

    Well, I don’t roll either. Hmmm… I think I’m going to do something creative during Alex’s AoIR presentation.

  4. Alex
    Posted 8/14/2003 at 3:49 pm | Permalink

    No. I utterly refuse to countenance creativity. There will be no creative acts in the room.

  5. Posted 8/15/2003 at 8:39 pm | Permalink

    Tag. You’re it. And I’ll borrow Steve’s Cyborg rig and glog you where you sit! :)

One Trackback

  1. By Fragments on 8/14/2003 at 3:15 pm

    Taking a cue from Alex Halavais’ blog, I took Bloglines.com for a spin around the block. Bloglines is a free (for how much longer?) web-based…

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