What are all those books about?

I begin my collection of “frequently asked questions” with this one, not because it is so frequently asked, but because it is asked far more often than I would expect, and it so often leaves me without an answer. “Stuff I’m interested in” is probably the most accurate, but also the one that seems the least satisfactory. Sometimes I launch into the reasons for having a number of books on hand, and why — even with a serviceable library of several million volumes less than 50 steps from my office door — I have given over a small part of one of my office walls to a bunch of books.

Now, I have an alternative. Click on the chart above to see a breakdown of the Library of Congress subject headings that dominate the books I have at my office (fun with Excel!). I’ve pulled out the Hs because that was the largest category. A list of the books that generates this is here.

Don’t read too much into this collection. It’s what I have at work right now. I am very happy to have suggestions (“You mean you don’t have the new edition of the complete works of Grotius yet!?”), but this list doesn’t include the books I have tucked onto shelves at home.

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  1. Posted 11/24/2003 at 6:35 pm | Permalink

    Interesting. Can you recommend any good books on Anarchism? I’ve been reading some of Murray Bookchin’s work lately and I’ve found it interesting that the Green Movement has been influenced by an anarchist.

  2. jeremy hunsinger
    Posted 11/25/2003 at 8:28 am | Permalink

    the classic novel entitled ‘the anarchists’ is a nice fictionalized history of the paris anarchist movement.

  3. Posted 11/26/2003 at 5:04 pm | Permalink

    Hmm, I was looking more for theory type stuff but I’ll check that out.

  4. Posted 11/26/2003 at 6:48 pm | Permalink

    You might try Anarchism: Theory to Practice–its short, and it tends to favor anarcho-syndicalism which may be more your style. Read any of Kropotkin’s stuff, though. The guy is very with-it. Start with An Appeal to the Young. Much of his other work is available on-line, as well.

  5. Posted 12/1/2003 at 11:01 am | Permalink

    here is a link to the anarchist page on the marxist archive http://www2.cddc.vt.edu/marxists/subject/anarchism/index.htm linked from it you can find works from many of the original works of a variety of anarchists.

One Trackback

  1. By Blog de Halavais on 4/30/2004 at 12:20 am

    What are you listening to?
    I spend many hours each day with my headphones on. Students often come in and ask what I am listening…

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