Tag Archives: General

The Quad News

Those who were following the saga of our campus paper will be pleased to know that the folks who walked out on it after administrative censorship have started up their own newspaper, The Quad News. As the Society of Professional Journalists’ FOI FYI blog notes, the difference between a genuinely independent press and a school […]
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Is this thing on?

OK, this whole “I didn’t know I was being recorded while in a television studio” thing is getting old. Here are what Mike Murphy (former McCain campaign manager) and Peggy Noonan (Reagan speech writer) said when they thought folks weren’t listening: … Murphy: You know, because I come out of the blue swing state governor […]
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Beyond good and bad

I’ve been working on a paper over the summer, but most intensively over the last few weeks, tracing the history of white nationalism on the web from 1997 on. It’s a fairly well-covered area, though authors aren’t quite sure what to do with it in most cases. There are some interesting exceptions–an experiment measuring the […]
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Tax and lie

I was surprised to see an ad by McCain suggesting that Obama would raise taxes for the middle class, particularly because I hadn’t seen anything in Obama’s tax policy that would remotely suggest this. I don’t think anyone should be cutting taxes (the government is already spending far more money than it has, and has […]
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