Switching to Bing

I needed to find something on my blog today. Google couldn’t find it, Bing could. Why? Because Google has blacklisted my blog.


Because it was hacked. This happened back in April, and happened to a lot of other WordPress installs. The only reason I knew about the potential de-listing is that I got a note on my Google Webmaster account. I fixed the problem and asked for a review. I figured, 30 days delisting is fair enough. But now, months later, I appear to just be out of luck.

Google’s a private company, and can choose to exclude whomever they like. That doesn’t make it any less suckful, though. And especially since I’ve written a book that could be considered critical of Google (but barely so–I’ve been a pretty consistent booster), there is always the worry that this snub is intentional. I don’t think this is the case. I think Google is just inept and inefficient, not actively censoring a critic. But I also think that if they are trying to avoid being evil, they need to try harder, and relist my blog.

Until then, I’m going to promote Bing at every turn.

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  1. jason
    Posted 7/12/2009 at 7:41 pm | Permalink

    I had 5 blogs hacked. I fixed them right, and google removed the worry page in less than a few hours. I tried in the past, without doing it ‘right’ and the blacklist page didn’t go away. I did it right, and it did. Don’t know what that means, but they’re only complaining about something that is there, right?

  2. Posted 7/13/2009 at 2:10 am | Permalink

    … and what about Microsoft’s treatment of your blog? Did it even notice that your blog was hacked? It’s no excuse I know but I think Google outsources its blacklist to a third party which might explain why things are slow to update.

  3. alex
    Posted 7/16/2009 at 9:20 am | Permalink

    Nope, it never did. The issue is that Google’s blacklisting is punitive. No one visiting my blog would have seen the spam either (which is why I didn’t notice it). The appropriate action by Google would have been to ignore it. Instead, they’ve blacklisted my blog, which although I don’t believe to be the most wonderful thing on the web, is nonetheless a resource for some people. So, they’ve harmed searchers and a content producer in a misguided attempt to punish me for having my wordpress install hacked.

    And, to make matters worse, when I comply with their request, they don’t reinstate me in the index. They say they can’t be bothered with responding to individual appeals. In other words: you’re not our customer, advertisers are. I don’t blame them for not treating publishers well, but if users find themselves directed only toward things Google thinks is worthwhile, users might get the idea–correctly–that more is on offer at Bing. I’m no fan of Microsoft, but Google completely ignoring my blog bugs me. Only I should be allowed to do that!

  4. Sam Morales
    Posted 9/13/2009 at 12:36 pm | Permalink

    You know, I could get this fixed for you tomorrow if you’d like…


  5. Posted 9/13/2009 at 1:06 pm | Permalink

    Thanks, Sam, but I think that I am once again fit for G’s holy sight.

    I guess this deserves a follow-up.

    I’m now back in the results, perhaps due to the graces of a colleague who found herself in a similar place and did call upon a friend at Google. She had ended up in very much the same position I had.

    I wrote about being blacklisted by the engine in my book, but it’s really different when it happens to you! I’m happy I’m back, because while it’s good to have Bing as an alternative, I generally prefer the results I get from Google.

    – A

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