Plugging in

Met with Kevin and Sarah (though it looks like her blog is officially dead — so much for eating our own dogfood) today on the blogserver. Because I didn’t know where WordPress Multi User was last summer, I put together a system that autoinstalled WordPress blogs for students. (Shout out to the ETC for supporting this effort.) Turns out WMU largely duplicates my effort, and I am tempted to switch over (and benefit from code written by real programmers instead of my bricoleuresque approach), but I know my system, and I like it, and I think I’ll stick with it for now. Just need to get it — and this blog — to version 1.5 of the WP software.

One of the reasons I like my setup is that I can tweak the plugins relatively effortlessly, and students get a more featureful blog as a result. We talked a little bit about the core plug-ins we want to have in the default blogs, and Kevin blogged some options. I think that a basic set of requirements for student blogs includes: spell check, easy format tools (ideally WYSIWYG), and easy image upload.

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  1. Posted 3/23/2005 at 8:51 pm | Permalink

    Let’s not forget what we talked about… SPAM is one of our biggest problems for new bloggers. There are so many possible anti-spam solutions out there, we’ll have a ball evaluating what works best, yet seamlessly. Anyone have recommendations for anti-spam plug-ins that work well transparently?

  2. Sarah
    Posted 3/24/2005 at 11:19 am | Permalink

    I really do want to blog, I put a lot of time into that blog and have notes of things to write…but when I do blog I get hit with more spam than I already am getting so I am just waiting for that problem to be fixed. Then I’ll come back. I already get 50+ and don’t have time for more…It all comes into the inbox. Seriously…I miss that blog, it is so pretty.

  3. Posted 3/24/2005 at 5:57 pm | Permalink

    well, I did write up a longish comment about how little things like having WP’s authimage captcha pluging not loose content when you mistype the authorization code or spend too long writing your comment (methinks it times out or something).

    However, I just entered an invalid authorization code… should have copied the text to another app. before “say[ing] it!”

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