Development and science

I was shocked to hear that in Iran movie theaters — even those in science museums — refuse to show scientific documentaries that clash with fundamentalist religious doctrine. While there is much to be appreciated in religious culture and custom, it is unfortunate when one of God’s greatest gifts, the ability to reason, is thrown away without regard. Science is a human process, but of divine origins, and if there is any sin, it is ignoring the potential of humans to better understand the world.

Moreover, when fundamentalists gain cultural control, it almost always means also gaining political control. Once reason is irradiated, there is no hope for the rise of democracy. Those who cannot think for themselves, and who will not engage in systems of reasoned investigation and debate, are not able to effectively participate in democratic politics.

It is unfortunate that such a great culture is hampered by those who want to regress into the dark ages. Science arguably found its greatest home in the Arab world, and it became a shining beacon to the world because of it. It is shameful that they now are willing to reject it and turn instead to strict interpretations of religious texts.

Oh, wait, did I say Iran. I meant the US.

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