MKIDS for me

Had the first meeting for organizing Tom Jacobson’s new Center for Communication Research (is that what it’s called?). Had a chance to look at the research a number of folks in the School of Informatics are doing and how it is being funded. NSF’s MKIDS program is supporting work very much in line with my ongoing research agenda. There are others on campus who are doing some social simulation (beyond, of course, Frank Tutzauer here in our department), as well as a number of folks working on KM systems at various levels. The trick is to identify enough of a bite-size project that we can show real results in the short run. I may talk to Tom about a project he is looking at for tying together a disparate group of research centers in a particular area to allow for shared knowledge discovery. The question is really whether this group is willing to be experimented upon, or if they want to go with something more proven–not that there is anything with a strong proven track record in this area…

In the short run, I need to finish a number of outstanding projects. I am setting August 15 as my official “Reset Day.” Anything that isn’t out under review–i.e., anything that I am not obligated to complete–gets flushed that day and I start on a new project.

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  1. Posted 5/5/2003 at 1:07 am | Permalink

    “Reset Day” is a stroke of genius, Alex. I’ve always practiced structured procrastination — prioritizing one’s tasks by putting something ominous yet ultimately unnecessary at the top of the list so I can procrastinate by doing exactly those things I need to do anyway, because they FEEL less important — but without a reset day, my list gets longer faster than I can get to it, and the more important things near but not AT the top of the list never get done either.

  2. Posted 5/5/2003 at 6:59 am | Permalink

    Thanks! Yes, that is precisely the problem I am trying to fix. I’ve got a great “to do” list on my PDA, and once a day I go through and set the deadlines back a day or two more. I don’t know if I’ll be able to follow through on the “reset,” but I hope so…

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