Internet Research call for papers

One of the new graduate students noted that it was hard to know what conferences were out there and when the deadlines are if you are new to academia. I’m thinking I’ll probably set up a blog dedicated just to announcements and calls for papers, but for now, here’s one I’ll probably be trying for:

Call for Papers – IR 6.0: INTERNET GENERATIONS

International and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Association of
Internet Researchers

Chicago, Illinois, USA

October 5 – 9, 2005

Workshops: October 5, 2005

AoIR conference: October 6 – 9, 2005

Deadline for submissions: February 1, 2005. Submission instructions will be announced soon.


The Internet has been a rapidly evolving phenomenon, so much so that we may talk about generations of the Internet. With everything moving faster in ‘Internet time,’ we have arguably spanned many technological Internet generations within a single human generation: from the birth of computing to the first online communications; from the beginnings of email to the
enriched worlds of chat, virtual worlds and mobile text messaging; from the workplace to home and school; from optional to all-but-mandatory; and from mainframe to desktop to laptop to mobile devices.

We can also talk about contextual Internet generations, from the early pioneers who count themselves among those communicating online before the 1980s; to the early adopters of the 1980s in university and proprietary systems; to latecomers finding the need to adopt computing and technology use as part of their daily work; to the current and coming generations that will not know a time without a computer in the household, a mobile phone in their hand, and a lap- or palmtop and an MP3 player an essential part of their daily wear.

This massive change in technologies, and in work and social practices suggests many avenues of interest for Internet research.


We call for papers from a wide perspective of disciplines, methodologies, and communities. We invite papers that address the theme of Internet Generations including TOPICS such as:

* Histories of the Internet: human, social, technical, and/or cultural stories and histories
* Internet use by generation, e.g., by era of technology, by children and seniors, or by age of user, etc.
* Individual, group, organizational, or community use, adoption, or diffusion of the Internet and its practices
* Development in use of languages, new vocabularies, social roles, rules, and etiquette
* Societal impacts of and on the Internet and its evolution
* Perspectives on the Internet and social change in a changing world
* Internet expansion across divides, borders, nationalities, etc.
* Mapping the course of Internet connectivity
* Prospects for the future: Next generation Internet

We invite submissions for papers, panels, and demonstrations of work on topics related to the conference theme of Internet Generations. Sessions at the conference will be established that specifically address the conference theme. We particularly call for innovative, exciting, and unexpected takes on the conference theme. We also welcome submissions on topics that address social, cultural, political, economic, and/or aesthetic aspects of the Internet beyond the conference theme. In all cases, we welcome disciplinary and interdisciplinary submissions as well as international collaborations from both AoIR and non-AoIR members.


We strongly encourage submissions of proposals from graduate students, and papers for consideration for a special Student Award. Students should note their student status with submission. Students wishing to be a candidate for the Student Award must send a full final paper to the conference organizers by June 1, 2005.


We invite proposals for a limited number of pre-conference workshops which will provide participants with in-depth, hands-on and/or creative opportunities. Proposals should be no more than 1000 words, and should clearly outline the purpose, methodology, structure, participant costs, equipment and minimal attendance required, as well as the relevance of the workshop to the conference as a whole. Proposals will be accepted if they demonstrate that the workshop will add significantly to the overall program in terms of thematic depth, hands-on experience, or local opportunities for scholarly or artistic connections.


If you have questions about the conference, program, or AoIR, please contact the following people. Please use a subject line that clearly distinguishes your message for spam!

Program Chair: Caroline Haythornthwaite – Inquiries on conference content: paper submissions, reviewing, paper organization

Conference Site Coordinator: Steve Jones – Inquiries on meeting rooms, audiovisual equipment, conference site

AoIR President: Nancy Baym, University of Kansas, – Inquiries regarding the Association of Internet Researchers and sponsorship

Association Website:

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  1. Posted 10/4/2004 at 5:58 pm | Permalink

    Thanks Alex! Will you be submitting something? Any advice for those who are just figuring out the “internet stuff” is actually interesting to them too?

  2. Posted 10/4/2004 at 6:13 pm | Permalink

    Yes, I’ll likely be submitting something, though it’s still a little early to know for sure. I have an analysis of neo-nazi sites that should be completed soon.

  3. Posted 10/4/2004 at 6:14 pm | Permalink

    As for advice. You have to decide what sort of research you want to do first, and then decide on what conference it would be good for.

    If enough folks are interested in the gaming group next semester, we’ll probably submit something as a group from that.

  4. Posted 10/6/2004 at 9:41 am | Permalink

    Well, there IS, but I don’t think they are free any more. Great service, though!

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