How to cheat good

I just submitted my last set of grades for the semester. This is always a big weight off my shoulders, but since it will be the last set of grades I ever submit at the University at Buffalo, it is an even greater relief. And so I think it’s time for me to “give back” as the kids say.

I had a 24 hour take home (distance course, so “keep home”?) final exam. Students had to submit it in text–and most submitted it in Word. In the exam, I noted that “I expect everyone to behave honorably,” and noted that receiving assistance from others or plagiarizing work was a bad idea.

I would prefer that students don’t cheat. Yes, they really are mostly cheating themselves, so fine. But it also reflects poorly on the community. Rationally or not, what particularly irks me is that it is disrespectful: of me, of their fellow students, of the university, of the institution of learning, and of themselves. And–did I mention–of me? It is particularly irksome when their cheating implies (reminds?) that I am a fool.

So, to help students across the country cheat better, saving themselves both from easy detection and from incurring the wrath of insulted faculty, and leading to a much more harmonious school environment, I offer the following tips, based on recent experience:

1. Don’t cheat off family.

If you are in a class of several hundred people, and you share an unusual family name with another student in the class, it is best if your reply to an open ended short-answer question is not identical, word-for-word. This is particularly true when the answer is wrong, and when it is wrong in an idiosyncratic way. Many profs, as I do, grade “blind,” without reference to the names of the students, but still, it’s easy enough when you find something like this to track back to the names. My suggestion, in this case, is to continue to cut and paste the answer, but to legally change your name. A convenience marriage may do the trick.

2. Don’t talk British.

The only people allowed to use the word “colour” are those with Indian surnames. “Weight,” you may argue, “I was bourne and razed in the english countryside.” I have no doubt, but your Commonwealth heritage is not easily detectable by your surname, so I’m afraid you will need to switch to Amerkin spelling for work in my classes. (If you are Indian, but your surname has suffered from various Colonial incursions, I’m afraid you’ll have to lose the U’s as well.) Otherwise, fair or not, it somehow appears that you have copied your work from another author.

3. You Google, I Google

How do you think I check suspicious work? It’s not like our state university is shelling out for TurnItIn. I am pretty good with that Google thingy. And changing two words won’t send me off the trail. So copy from something a bit more obscure. Or–and this is really tricky–try making up your own stuff.

4. Dont rite to good

When you “write” a sentence like “The veil of ignorance, to mention one prominent feature of that position, has no specific metaphysical implications concerning the nature of the self; it does not imply that the self is ontologically prior to the facts about persons that the parties are excluded from knowing,” you have two ways of being caught up. First, while I make no claim of having anything approaching an eidetic memory (more like an idyllic memory), it may ring some dusty bells and heck, I might be able to pull the book you stole it from down off my shelf, even if you followed the advice of #3. If my memory fails to serve, as is frequently the case these days, Google Print might help out.

The second way you can trip up is by following this with your original words, which tend to be less sophisticated, or equally sophisticated material from an entirely different source that simply does not seem to make sense in this particular context.

As a corollary here, try not to plagiarize the teacher. You will be less likely to suffer her ire, since it will amuse her and her colleagues to no end, but you are more likely to be caught. Steal her ideas and rephrase them in your own prose, because there is nothing teachers like more than knowing that students can write well but have no original ideas.

5. Malaprop big words

Make sure you pick a word that sounds impervious and use it incorrigibly, or inventorate words. We’ll be udderly convinced of your genuinity (not to mention your precedential potential). Snuff said.

6. Use the word “rediculous.”

This almost magical word will cause any instructor to instantaneously turn off all internal plagiarism detection.

7. Borrow from someone who writes as badly as you do.

Don’t do what one of my graduate students did, and steal a text on Korean feminism from someone who wrote slightly better English than he did. I’ll notice the slightly better writing, even before I notice that you have expressed no interest in or knowledge of feminist perspectives in the past. (Once kicked out of our program, he applied to the English department. No kidding.)

8. Edit > Paste Special > Unformatted Text

This is my Number 1 piece of advice, even if it is numbered eight. When you copy things from the web into Word, ignoring #3 above, don’t just “Edit > Paste” it into your document. When I am reading a document in black, Times New Roman, 12pt, and it suddenly changes to blue, Helvetica, 10pt (yes, really), I’m going to guess that something odd may be going on. This seems to happen in about 1% of student work turned in, and periodically makes me feel like becoming a hermit.

If you follow these simple rules, you are almost guaranteed to pass off your plagiarism and cheating as your own work. This will allow the faculty to remain in blissful ignorance, believing that–despite the low pay–they are spreading knowledge in the world, while at the same time convincing your parents to continue to pay for several more years of school, drunken orgies, and Prada bags. Your classmates who do not follow the above rules will constitute the “low hanging fruit,” easily picked off and tormented by mean-spirited unfulfilled teachers for their own amusement. You, however, will rise above the fray, secure in your superious ability to act smart, even if you don’t understand the text you are passing off as your own.

And what if you follow all eight points and still get caught? Here’s your “get out of jail free” card. Simply say this to your teacher (no, no one has tried these exact words on me yet), and you are off scot free:

“Like a postmodern version of Searle’s Chinese Room, I am able to re-articulate existing knowledge through my command of its (re)presentation and manipulation. Any claim to originality ignores what I like to call our ability to stand on the shoulders of giants. By this, I mean that there is a well-known correlation between book sales and height, and we should use their height to our own advantage, to avoid mud and small dogs.

“Also, is it really all that original to give me an F? After all, I’ve already received an F from two other profs this semester alone. Be an original: give me a C.

“By the way, I don’t know who this ‘John Rawls’ guy is–is he even in our major?–but I think it’s possible he cheated off me.

“Finally, and I think this is most vital, my plagiarism in this case is a clear indictment of the educational system. After all, I’ve been failed by my high school and by three years of university, while continually passing. I don’t think it can be entirely my fault if I’ve gotten this far by plagiarism, and in this, my last class, you decide that it is somehow ‘wrong.’ Clearly, you should use this outcome as a way of evaluating your own teaching and expectations.”

You have my permission to use the above excuses, verbatim and without attribution, in any discussion with your respected faculty. I don’t guarantee their success, but would be happy to hear from any of you who employ them as to their efficacy.

Update (6/16): Be sure to read the huge number of comments below, because they have some top-notch cheating tips. Also, a few have asked whether they can reprint, borrow this in some way. It got lost with my last blog redesign, but everything here that is original is Creative Commons licensed for non-commercial, attributed use. So have at it, just don’t say you wrote it… and don’t turn it in for a grade!

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  1. Posted 5/18/2006 at 5:39 pm | Permalink

    This made my day! Although I had hoped our high school students would be plagiarising at a higher level by the time they reached college….

  2. Joe P.
    Posted 5/18/2006 at 7:15 pm | Permalink

    I passed all my testes. My grade should be hirer.

  3. Posted 5/19/2006 at 12:55 pm | Permalink


  4. Dave
    Posted 5/19/2006 at 2:33 pm | Permalink

    This made my day! Although I had hoped our high school students would be plagiarising at a higher level by the time they reached college….

  5. Posted 5/19/2006 at 5:49 pm | Permalink

    Eh. The dilemma is simple. If you are good enough to cheat right, you shall not need to cheat.

    My wife was junior faculty for a while, and she and a colleague caught a kid cheating on his honors thesis that also satisfied a paper requirement for both their classes. This was an idiot who was set for a small-but-easy life: his father’s family had a longstanding family law practice, and as long as he passed he’d go to whatever law school would take him and eventually join it.

    No, he had to go for honors, and cheat in such a way that he a) didn’t get honors, b) failed two classes and c) may have been expelled (I never followed student gossip; does it even matter?).

    It isn’t that kids cheat themselves, it’s that they are fucking idiots in the first place. The sooner they learn that, the better.

    For the record, I once got accused of cheating on an English paper when I didn’t. It was a really baffling experience, but I will say, the teacher in question got it pretty quick. I guess it turned out my oh-lord-I-have-to-write-some-bullshit-about-Shakespeare desperation churned out something that sounded like Cliff’s Notes. (I was a math major; sue me.)

  6. Adam
    Posted 5/20/2006 at 2:09 pm | Permalink

    My girlfriend teaches Western Civ. This semester one of the assignments was to write a wikipedia entry for someone or something related to the readings.

    A couple of days ago one of her students emailed her a word doc. He claimed that he had turned the assignment in sometime before Spring Break, but had somehow failed to receive credit for it.

    My girlfriend emailed the file to me and asked if there was any way to tell when it had been written. I pulled the metadata, and amazingly enough, the file had been created just a couple of days ago. I told her this wasn’t conclusive proof that the essay hadn’t been written before Spring Break, but didn’t bode well for the student’s story.

    I can’t wait to see what story the student comes up with to explain this discrepancy.

  7. Posted 5/20/2006 at 3:13 pm | Permalink

    Adam: I regularly get emails from students telling me to check the metadata proving that they wrote the assignment on time. Because, I suppose, they think I’m really, really dumb. Of course, it may very well be valid, but if I don’t trust you, I don’t trust your metadata either!

  8. Paul Gowder
    Posted 5/22/2006 at 4:26 pm | Permalink

    I have a terrible urge to plagiarize this somewhere just for ironic value.

  9. Posted 5/25/2006 at 1:43 pm | Permalink

    Excellent piece… But… #2. I am Scottish, I spell words using proper British spellings. If Americans are too lazy to put U’s and I’s where they belong then that is their problem.

    If I write an essay for you about the Colour of Aluminium then you had better not mark me down for spelling. However if someone else is inconsistent in their use of spelling American here, British there then nail ’em to the wall. It’s not hard to run a spell checker on something and change all the British to American or vice versa.

    And yes, I was Born and Raised in Scotland.


  10. Posted 5/25/2006 at 1:53 pm | Permalink

    Or, of course, you could just buy one of these non-accredited degrees offered in the spam we all get daily :-(

    There is a choice of :-
    BS = Bull Shit,
    MS = More Shit,
    PhD = Piled Higher and Deeper.

  11. Greg
    Posted 5/25/2006 at 2:07 pm | Permalink

    Holy crap you’re an asshole.

    You force your students to use American spelling in your class? What if I forced you to speak in a Canadian accent in MY class? Or just failed you because you’re from another country.

    You’re just a stupid as the people you purport to dislike.

  12. CC
    Posted 5/25/2006 at 2:33 pm | Permalink


    Read closer, dude. He’s not saying he forces them to use American spelling. He’s saying that when an American student starts spelling words with the British spelling, that’s a tip-off that it might be plagiarized.


  13. Posted 5/25/2006 at 2:44 pm | Permalink

    Thank you for the comment, Greg. I don’t usually allow Canadians to post comments on my blog, but your comment sounded American enough to pass.

  14. Fred
    Posted 5/25/2006 at 2:46 pm | Permalink

    My #1: Don’t volunteer that you cheated to an instructor in front of witnesses.

    Yes, I had this one happen. Before she admitted it, I had no idea that she’d cheated.

    As for your list, I violate #2 all the time in my own writting; I read a lot of material from British authors.

  15. Posted 5/25/2006 at 3:30 pm | Permalink

    I was very amused when I discovered that TurnItIn had red flagged a paper I wrote because it plagarised my website.

    Paste formatted text is the devil. I use LaTeX for most papers now, so its not an issue.

  16. Greg
    Posted 5/25/2006 at 3:44 pm | Permalink

    (I’m not the Greg from 16; I happen to live in the US.)

    My two short years of being a grad TA while working on my MS exposed me to a surprising (or, more depressingly, unsurprising) number of these recommendations. Numbers 3 and 4 were especially good hits in my experience grading homework in a computer science cirriculum. It’s astounding how an assignment that writes consistently at a C level (Probably F level if you’re in an English program) suddenly reads like a Dartmouth PhD.

    Oh, wait, that’s because it _is_ a Dartmouth PhD.

    Solving a different problem.

    I might propose an addition as well:

    9. Don’t cheat with your buddy, then bring up both your assignment and theirs to turn them in together, one right on top of the other. I am still stunned at how often this happened, resulting in two obviously copied homework assignments right next to each other in the stack of assignments. Violation of the subrule 1b (Don’t cheat off someone who makes idiosyncratic mistakes that are easy to pick out) makes this particularly easy to spot.

  17. Gorgasal
    Posted 5/25/2006 at 5:05 pm | Permalink

    My favorite from the time I TA’ed in math: the guy that copied somebody else’s homework verbatim… down to the page numbers the original had put on the bottom of the page. Since the perp had smaller handwriting, I found an absolutely unmotivated “-1-” on a line be itself, right in the middle of the page. Beautiful.

    Best part: among ten possible groups of people, this genius had chosen another one in my group to copy from, so I could actually lay the two versions side by side and play “spot the 10 differences”.

  18. Beth
    Posted 5/25/2006 at 5:24 pm | Permalink

    I make my students spell the American way, and when my friend studied abroad in Scotland she had to spell the UK way. The way I see it, there are proper spelling conventions for where you are, so use them!

  19. mikel
    Posted 5/25/2006 at 6:43 pm | Permalink

    And if your assignment is writing a computer program, just copy someone else’s, and change all of the variable names to be players from a well known football team. This cunning ruse will throw anyone marking your assignment off the scent. In fact, so much so that you can even turn up to class the next day wearing a jersey and scarf from said team, and nobody will suspect a thing.

  20. Collins
    Posted 5/25/2006 at 7:08 pm | Permalink

    …the students are merely playing the academic ‘game’ — as are you. What exactly are you attempting to measure with that specific “grading” activity ??

    How much truly original analysis/research do you expect your students to perform ?

    “Original” analysis by typical students is well beyond the practical scope of the normal academic game — gamerules only require a discrete level of polish in recycling the ideas of others.

    There is an old slogan in academia:

    – Steal a man’s idea, and it’s plagiarism.
    – Steal ten men’s ideas, and it’s a term paper.
    – Steal a hundred men’s ideas, and it’s original research.

  21. Jo_Ava
    Posted 5/25/2006 at 7:21 pm | Permalink

    RE: Canadian/American spelling:

    You’re teaching at the University of Buffalo? I’ve got news for you. Canada is about 15 minutes away. You don’t have to be from Scotland to spell “colour” that way. Chances are there is a STRONG contingent of students who are living and working just across the border from you. I teach English in Canada, and I allow spelling using EITHER American or Canadian convention, as long as it’s consistent, thus showing attention to detail.

    Given how likely it is that many of your students could be Canadian, making the assumption that they’re cheating if they use Canadian spelling just because they don’t have a tell-tale surname is a bit unfair.

  22. Posted 5/25/2006 at 9:59 pm | Permalink

    Wow, that’s a lot of comments for this little corner of the blog-world. Some notes:

    I never assume that students are cheating. Despite an overwhelming amount of plagiarism, I always assume the best of my students. But at this point, I am prepared to be often disappointed.

    The University at Buffalo has one of the top five or six largest foreign enrollments of any university in the US. I am aware that use of a “colour” or “centre” doesn’t automatically mean that the work has been plagiarized.

    As a side-note: of course I expect my students to use standard American English. Just as, when I publish in a journal based in the UK, I am expected to use their house style. Code switching isn’t rocket surgery. I also force them–kicking an screaming–to use APA rather than their own made up citation style (or MLA or Chicago, etc.). Why? Because I am an evil imperialist pig and consumed by dark forces.

    As for Collins @ 28, yes, I expect students to do truly original work. I realize that some find that impossible, but frankly, university would be a huge waste of time if it were merely an excercize in regurgitation. (As it stands, it too often borders on just such a waste of time.) However, the “game” has certain rules, and one of those rules is that you cite your sources. I do, as does any scholar worth his or her salt. That particular rule of the game does not preclude building or rearticulating earlier arguments–indeed it encourages it–but it requires that you properly indicate which ideas you are taking and from whom. This is more an ethical than a moral issue, and cultures differ on the approach. Nonetheless, the practice within the US, especially in the social sciences, is that you are honor-bound to indicate where your ideas come from.

  23. Simon
    Posted 5/26/2006 at 5:02 am | Permalink

    Very funny! Thanks from one academic who appreciates what you are saying.

  24. Posted 5/26/2006 at 5:17 am | Permalink

    From admin@30:
    > the social sciences,

    Now *there’s* a tautology. Social and Science in the Same Sentence.

    Then again, it’s what I’d expect from someone who needs a hyphen but can’t find a ‘u’ when discussing honour.

  25. Neal
    Posted 5/26/2006 at 8:37 am | Permalink

    In a spur of the moment spell of my own stupidity I asked my students to append newspaper headline to their reports as a time check for when they wrote it. Some days later it occurred to me what I’d asked and, duh, that solved nothing about validating the time. Well, it so happened I received a student’s report by email about a week late. When I asked about it, he claimed to have sent it on time and suggested it must have been delayed – I should try and confirm it. I checked the sent time on the email – it was a couple hours before the paper was due. I checked the Word metadata – it indicated a creation time of that same morning. I checked his appended headline – it was from the day the email arrived. When I pointed that out, he got angry and claimed that’s what I asked for, and argued the point for a good five minutes before it dawned on him why he’d been caught. My stupid moment’s instructions had actually caught someone in a stupider moment of their own.

  26. brerarnold
    Posted 5/26/2006 at 9:19 am | Permalink

    Re: Collins @ 28: I guess I lived in a fantasy world during my college and grad school days. I thought we were supposed to 1) do research to show that we were aware of what other people thought about the topic and 2) come up with ideas of our own.

    I realize that, ideas being what they are, some of what I thought was original was not. But if I arrived at it independently, then it was legitimate.

    Apparently Collins does not understand the nature of education. Unfortunately, he has a view which is widely popular these days. No wonder our schools are in trouble.

  27. Mo
    Posted 5/26/2006 at 9:42 am | Permalink

    What is rocket surgery?

  28. Naomi
    Posted 5/26/2006 at 9:58 am | Permalink

    I’m a first year high school teacher and have been heaving great groans at the atrocious writing my kids turn in.


    At least they’re not plagiarizing.

  29. Axel
    Posted 5/26/2006 at 11:22 am | Permalink

    I stopped reading this when I got to the part about “our” endings. Fortunately I was able to attend a fairly good US university, keep on using correct English spelling, and never get accused of plagiarism. But that was a while ago. Now I see the degree of tolerance of non-Usanian spelling has kept pace with your wars against other abstract notions.

  30. Greg
    Posted 5/26/2006 at 11:49 am | Permalink


    I wish you the best of luck dealing with the lawsuits when you start failing those who don’t earn the privelege of a passing grade!

    Stupid lawyers…

  31. anonymous
    Posted 5/26/2006 at 12:21 pm | Permalink

    Rocket Surgery is a highly specialized field of rocket science that incorporates brain surgery expertise required when working with “smart bombs”.

    PS, You anglos can’t even sort out your or/our and s/z, so imagine what it is for me, a French Canadian.

  32. Mad Patter
    Posted 5/27/2006 at 9:03 am | Permalink

    You think *you* have it rough — I taught high school for a brief period. I came up with two rules for the geniuses in my classes: If you’re going to copy off of someone else’s test, 1) make sure they’re smarter than you are, and 2) make sure they’re taking the same test.

  33. traveled
    Posted 5/27/2006 at 12:25 pm | Permalink

    On the spelling issue: as an American who has lived and studied in a number of countries and cultures, I find my own writing is frequently a mixed mish-mash of the two styles. Quotations are always verbatim, but my own idiosyncracies now dictate an unusual combination of ‘s instead of z’ and ‘ou instead of o,’ but somehow miss out on a great number of ‘re instead of er’ spelling issues. While one can only try to go back and fix/catch them all, on a larger paper this can be quite difficult. Fortunately, my professors have been more forgiving; with very few notable exceptions they seem to care more about the content than the colour. Those that mark down based on “this should be an indefinite article instead of a definite one (when either is legitimate and acceptable),” get an earful of a reminder they are teaching, say, a statistics course, and not ninth-grade english.

  34. Ed
    Posted 5/27/2006 at 1:42 pm | Permalink

    Poster @ 32 needs to look up “tautology” in the dictionary. Hint: It does not mean “oxymoron” .

  35. RJC
    Posted 5/28/2006 at 2:28 am | Permalink

    In the school where I teach only the poorer students plagiarize, the more wealthy ones hire tutors who write their papers.

  36. Anonymous
    Posted 5/28/2006 at 2:50 am | Permalink

    “how to cheat GOOD”… hah… golden.

  37. dada
    Posted 5/31/2006 at 12:07 pm | Permalink

    heh. a well designed exam, in class or take home, is the best defense against cheating, Halavais’s advice notwithstanding. as for papers, if a student doesn’t first walk the talk (in class), suspicion will always arise. go ahead. try me.

  38. mpw
    Posted 5/31/2006 at 1:32 pm | Permalink

    Thanks for a great laugh! I teach high school and we see ALL of this. My funniest story is a kid who got caught because he didn’t know the difference between “UK” (the University of Kentucky) and “the UK” (the United Kingdom, as you know). He had these strange underlined words in a lighter gray too… :)

  39. thestudent
    Posted 5/31/2006 at 5:30 pm | Permalink

    [i]”Weight,” you may argue, “I was bourne and razed in the english countryside.” I have no doubt, but your Commonwealth heritage is not easily detectable by your surname.[/i]

    Because you so rightly included 5 in your fauxpaux list, you might want to know that “bourne” is not the English form of “born,” but an older word for a stream or river.

    -Your fan, the student

  40. Posted 5/31/2006 at 5:50 pm | Permalink

    Ah, OK. As long as that’s the only mistake I maid.

  41. Posted 6/1/2006 at 12:55 pm | Permalink

    You are the master. We admire you very much.


  42. factor
    Posted 6/2/2006 at 5:07 pm | Permalink

    In reality I think there should be a class on how to cheat. How many company steal their competitors idea and market them as their own? After coming out of the University setting a young graduate could be thinking that no one would dare plagiarize.

    The irony of the situation to me is that in English we were required to study Shakespeare.
    Quoting Sharna Jensen “I think there was far more plagiarism in the last century. It was almost an accepted part of writing. The ethics of writing has changed. Nobody gets upset about whether Shakespeare plagiarized something. But I think the standards have to be pretty high now, particularly for non-fiction writers.”

    To me plagiarism is not wrong, bad taste yes but not wrong.

8 Trackbacks

  1. […] Alex Halavais – sadly no longer of the University at Buffalo and who, though he is the kind soul who runs, I have never had a chance to meet – offers some suggestion on “How to cheat good.” The top tip, though not the penultimate tip in a list of only 8, for those students who are just not feeling the whole work thing: 8. Edit > Paste Special > Unformatted Text This is my Number 1 piece of advice, even if it is numbered eight. When you copy things from the web into Word, ignoring #3 above, don’t just “Edit > Paste” it into your document. When I am reading a document in black, Times New Roman, 12pt, and it suddenly changes to blue, Helvetica, 10pt (yes, really), I’m going to guess that something odd may be going on. This seems to happen in about 1% of student work turned in, and periodically makes me feel like becoming a hermit. [Halavais] […]

  2. […] Blog scholar Alex Halavais recently wrote an entertaining blog post about his experience of cheaters – how to cheat good – culminating in this gem: When you copy things from the web into Word… don’t just ‘Edit > Paste’ it into your document. When I am reading a document in black, Times New Roman, 12pt, and it suddenly changes to blue, Helvetica, 10pt (yes, really), I’m going to guess that something odd may be going on. […]

  3. By Bamblog » How to cheat good on 5/22/2006 at 12:26 pm

    […] [via Media@LSE] Alex Halavais hat einige Ratschläge an Studenten zusammengefasst, wie man in Seminar- oder Abschlußarbeiten plagiieren (?) kann, ohne dass es auffällt. Eine sehr schöne Liste, die auf tatsächlichen Täuschungsversuchen beruht und bei der man sich bei allen Punkten an den Kopf fasst, wie doof manche Leute sein können…  Make sure you pick a word that sounds impervious and use it incorrigibly, or inventorate words. We’ll be udderly convinced of your genuinity (not to mention your precedential potential) […]

  4. […] The media blog of LSE has an interesting link to a post by Alex Halavais – how to cheat good. They quote Halavais – When you copy things from the web into Word… don’t just ‘Edit > Paste’ it into your document. When I am reading a document in black, Times New Roman, 12pt, and it suddenly changes to blue, Helvetica, 10pt (yes, really), I’m going to guess that something odd may be going on. […]

  5. By TrustBlog on 5/25/2006 at 5:29 pm


    Many of the worst cases of plagiarism are executed so poorly that they reveal the incompetence, ignorance and stupidity of the writer. So perhaps teachers should just fail such students for incompetence and ignorance, instead of trying to convict them …

  6. By TrustBlog on 5/25/2006 at 5:34 pm

    Identity Differentiation…

    It is not unusual for decisions of trust to make a distinction between different identities of the same person. Let’s say I have a friend called John. JOHN-SOBER and JOHN-DRUNK are two different identities, with recognizably different patterns of beha…

  7. […] A teacher’s 10 point guide to cheating better. 8. Edit > Paste Special > Unformatted Text […]

  8. By Olis Welt on 5/30/2006 at 2:40 pm

    How to cheat good…

    Eine Professorin aus Amiland geht in Rente und gibt Tips zum schummeln:
    And so I think it?s time for me to ?give back? as the kids say.
    Alex Halavais » How to cheat good

    6. Use the word “rediculous.”

    This almost magical word will cause any i…

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