Google Maps Walking Tour

Tim Bray posted a link to Udell’s Google Maps walking tour of Keene, NH, in case anyone (like me), hadn’t seen it. This is really very cool: it’s what happens when you allow others to co-design your service.

I don’t know how many of the current MI students read my blog (I suspect very few), but if you do, this should trigger some ideas if you haven’t yet settled on a capstone. A lot of creative possibilities to combine GPS and Google Maps. I know a few of you are doing things with GPS and wireless (through Paul’s class or in other courses), and this would be a natural kind of extension. Also might allow for some interesting combinations when glued together: think Google Maps + Facebook or other services. Neat stuff.

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One Comment

  1. Posted 2/27/2005 at 4:27 pm | Permalink

    This is really cool… it would be neat to see a bunch of such tours in one place and maybe even a rating system for some of the better such tours.

    However, you have to wonder how this could change the real physical world… by drawing attention to things that a majority of others may not know about. In effect, we’ll have the real world version of 404 errors, where, for example, the squirrel’s nest in Udell’s example is washed out of the tree or even messed with by some human.

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