Comments on: Gaming the (Twitter) election Things that interest me. Fri, 31 Oct 2008 22:56:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matt K Fri, 31 Oct 2008 22:56:52 +0000 Enjoyed your discussion of experimenting w/ twitter in class. Attempting integration of new media in my classroom as a grad student and was happy to learn about your experiment. Also, am looking into twitter as the subject of study for my dissertation topic in terms of its use for political discussion. You generate great research ideas and I’m just now starting to whittle away at my very broad research interests to develop a solid (and focused) dissertation topic. So, I have been enjoying your blog of late!

By: Mihaela V (@prprof_mv) Fri, 24 Oct 2008 14:51:54 +0000 For your follower who was annoyed by the volume of tweets, recommend – they can snooze you for a while. I always alert my followers before a live event and at a few points during the event.

In terms of “gaming” twitter conversation tracking boards, I discovered the same thing when my students live-twittered the PR principles class. I know some people get annoyed, but that wouldn’t stop me. Next time I’d insert in the live stream tweets explaining what the hashtag means and where it’s coming from, so people know it’s not spam.

By: Adam Thu, 23 Oct 2008 22:11:33 +0000 er, *Twitter, not Tweeter.
*sigh* going home, been a long week.

By: Adam Thu, 23 Oct 2008 22:09:34 +0000 Sweet! All the fun stuff happens in your 501 classes, man. First hijacking your wikipedia page to make you president of Connecticut’s NAMBLA chapter, now you’ve hijacked an elections page on Twitter.

Personally, the part of your anecdote that I find the most interesting is that someone Tweeted you in order to tell you to move to a different communication medium. This implies that first and foremost, these services are not seen as all that similar by their regular users (assuming the Tweeter would self-identify as a ‘regular user’). And secondly, that there’s some kind of niche usage expectations which are being projected onto the different technologies. After all, why *not* use Twitter as a mobile media IRC type platform? There’s nothing preventing it. But yet, the dichotomy clearly existed enough for a ‘regular’ to get miffed.

I wonder who’s studying stuff like that about Tweeter and what that kind of stuff means. :)
