Best present ever

2008-04-22-Z-Sonogram-17:30am in the Halavais household, light seeps in through the soupy July morning air.

Jamie: Good morning, Darling Husband!

Alex: Grumble… mrf. Why are we up?

Jamie: What day is it?

Alex: Monday?

Jamie: Yes, but what Monday?

Alex: Too-early-in-the-morning Monday?

Jamie: Today’s the 21st, your birthday!

2008-05-06-Z-Sonogram-2Alex: It is? Cool! What am I getting this year?

Jamie: [Dramatically indicates her own personage.]

Alex: Um. didn’t I get that last year?

Jamie: Notice anything… different.

Alex: Well, I’ve been meaning to say, you’ve been really packing on the pounds lately…

Jamie: How old are you again?

[A subtly cruel question, since she knows he hasn’t been able to keep track for about a decade.]

2008-05-22-Z-Sonogram-8Alex: I’m gonna be 40.

[A graceful allusion to pop culture that nonetheless dates him.]

Jamie: Well, we’re off to the hospital for pictures.

Alex: What, have you been listening to the Vapors?

[A less graceful, overly obscure, yet still out-of-date pop culture reference.]

Jamie: I’m sure you’ll figure everything out eventually…

2008-07-21-J-Sonogram-7Our first child is due on December 8 of this year. I’m furiously reading various parenting books and trying to figure out who I’ll need to knock off to get him into a decent pre-school on the Upper West Side.

Don’t worry, this blog will remain unfocused, intermittent, and boring. But soon, with more baby!

(The sonograms are in order: April 22, May 6, May 22, July 21, and many more are over at flickr.)

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  1. Posted 7/21/2008 at 10:50 pm | Permalink

    Happy Birthday Professor / Father-to-be !
    Here’s my special birthday song for you…

  2. Posted 7/21/2008 at 10:53 pm | Permalink

    Here I was feeling guilty that it’s almost the end of the day and I haven’t wished you a happy birthday on FB or Twitter and now I’M SO GLAD I WAITED!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! This is wonderful news!

  3. Posted 7/22/2008 at 6:17 am | Permalink

    This is the best blog you’ve written.
    Congratulations to you and your new family-to-be.
    Don’t worry about the books, parent from the heart.
    You’ll do fine.

  4. Posted 7/23/2008 at 10:27 am | Permalink

    How exciting for the family Halavais! Congratulations! (Managing an infant is *much* easier than writing a thesis.)

  5. Jennifer Zyers (nee Kelly)
    Posted 7/23/2008 at 3:27 pm | Permalink

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! With you as the father, I doubt the baby’s first word will be “da-da or ma-ma.” :-)

  6. Mark Cotrupe
    Posted 7/23/2008 at 3:28 pm | Permalink

    Hey, great to hear…parenthood is one of the most frustrating, but also most rewarding things you will ever do. I have 4 kids; feel free to seek advise.
    And a belated Happy Birthday too. You’re no where near getting old yet.

  7. Jessica Fine
    Posted 7/30/2008 at 11:12 am | Permalink

    Congratulations! Professor Cohen just told me the wonderful news!

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